Depression is a common psychiatric disorder that gives a feeling of hopelessness, anxiety, restlessness, and confusion. Along with therapy, there are many lifestyle changes like exercise, meditation, healthy eating, getting enough sleep that can help to combat depression and anxiety. Getting involved in recreational activities or expressing inner thoughts through creativity can lead to improved concentration, memory, and mood. While there are numerous creative fields like writing, drawing, music, and painting, for many people around the globe ‘makeup’ is another creative hobby that provides an effective outlet for emotions.
Psychology says that colors can dramatically affect our emotions. There are certain warm colors like orange and yellow that evoke feelings of optimism, while cool-toned colors like blue and purple have the power to calm our senses. Since ancient times, there have been no rules in makeup. However, there has been constant development and change in trends. European women would use egg whites to create a pale appearance while Chinese women used rice powders to make their faces white.
Makeup means different things to different people. But for me, it is a medium of boosting self-confidence. It’s an art which distracts the mind from strain.
My first episode of anxiety was at the age of 19. Fatigue, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath were some of the symptoms that I experienced. When I approached a physician, he told me about my depression and that the underlying cause of this uneasy feeling was ‘overthinking.’ For a few months, I would spend all my time being unproductive. I felt lifeless as I succumbed to ennui and despair. Then one fine day I decided to take charge of my life. In order to disperse the negative thoughts, I changed my lifestyle by getting involved in the activities that would keep me busy and positive. I was introduced to the world of makeup by my mother and it has been a part of my self-exploration journey ever since.
When I had applied eyeliner for the first time, I nailed it like a professional. It felt like an achievement. I felt an inner motivation to learn more and started following renowned beauty gurus on YouTube. Gradually, I started collecting an assortment of products and tools. There was something mesmerizing about every product and I felt really attached to each and every piece.
People still tell me that makeup is not for me as I am blessed with great skin. But, to me, it has been more than just enhancing the facial features. It heals my inner wounds and makes me fall in love with myself again. It brings out a playful side in me which completely flips my mood around when I shove myself into the world of anxiety.
On the days when I feel low and lethargic, a little voice in my head tells me to try a new look. For me, makeup is an art of face painting, which allows me to play with colors on the canvas of my face. It empowers me, gives me creative freedom and changes my whole attitude. By makeup I don’t mean heavy makeup, it could be just eyeliner with a nude lipstick. Being a makeup enthusiast, trying my eyeliner a different way, or just adding another lipstick to my vanity makes me positive and happy.
Makeup and beauty routine has powerful cognitive benefits on the brain. It shifts the focus as the inner creativity unleashes itself when one is playing with makeup tools and products. All the negative thoughts vanish away as the mind gets completely engrossed in creativity. If a person is carving out time for makeup, it is nothing less than self-care. It requires a lot of energy and focus to blend the foundation right into the skin, to nail the perfect wing of the eyeliner, and to match the perfect lipstick, with many other steps involved to create the anticipated look. But that doesn’t mean I completely depend upon it for raising my confidence and self-esteem. There are days when I walk out without any makeup with the same confidence. It goes without saying that makeup alone cannot help anyone find inner solace or act as a coping mechanism. I do love makeup yet I’m comfortable in my natural skin. Also, in today’s cosmetic industry, products are loaded with nasty ingredients like parabens and plastics which are not only detrimental to the skin but also to our mental health. Quality plays an important role while choosing products. People are now taking a closer look at the ingredients and resorting to eco-friendly products to enjoy makeup without harming their health.
Undertaking any sort of creative pursuits allow you to be proactive, but the effects won’t last if there is no positive self-reflection or improvement in lifestyle.
If you feel like you need some professional help with redirecting your mind to more positive pursuits, write to us at or Book your Initial Consultation on
Written by - Garima Jham
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