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The next time we go for a walk or jog, wear a mask on the face, not on the mind. Instead of masking, be aware of thoughts and emotions that are destructive and unhealthy. Perhaps, jogging the mind, to burn off all that unhelpful negative stuff, is more important than 'jogging' the body! And if the mind and body are fit, so is the spirit, isn’t it?

As we all strive for being physically fit, let me ask a simple question. Does physical fitness lead to mental / emotional fitness? Or then, is it the other way around? If we were mentally and emotionally healthy, wouldn't that manifest in our body?

Because the truth of the matter is that, it’s out thought process / attitude / mind set, etc. that affects our emotions, which in turn then impacts our behaviour and actions, and also manifests or shows up in our body.

Yes, our body does store negative energy, by way of emotions. Therefore, if we manage to change the way we think to a more rational and realistic mind set, it will change how we feel, behave and greatly reduce the negative energy reserves, accumulated in different parts of our body.

Let’s take a look at some of our physical ailments - diabetes, ulcer, cancer, back and knee ache, spondylitis, thyroid issues, and so many more, which are so common today that almost one three to five people would have suffered any, at some point in life.

Yoga attributes it to the accumulation of kleshas (negative emotions) and our chakras are a good diagnostic tool to indicate what’s wrong where. Chakras are energy wheels, which are responsible for the regulation of various organs and body parts. If any are over or underactive, that part or area in the body gets affected, leading to illness. Homeopathy and Ayurveda also take into account the emotional and mental state of the individual, while investigating physical issues.

So what do we do with all those negative emotions? Good question!

Firstly, let’s understand that all negative emotions are not bad. Some actually help us. For instance, if we were not concerned about being Covid positive, we would not take the necessary precautions. Now concern is also a negative emotion but one that’s appropriate to the current situation, and actually helps us. Anxiety, on the other hand is exaggerated and unhelpful.

Also, as humans we can’t not have negative emotions hence it’s perfectly normal to have them. The trouble is that we get hooked to them and the more we do, the stronger they get. And then begin manifesting in our body, as various ailments.

How then does one maintain emotional fitness?

-Thinking positively is undoubtedly an obvious choice. Although, not always possible, therefore, thinking rationally may be an even better one! If we can think rationally about the issue, we won’t end up exaggerating our emotions and feel powerless over them. And since the emotions are not amplified, there is no need for the body to hoard all that negative energy, helping a healthy flow of positive energy to flow through the body.

It’s like a dominoes effect. If we want a disease free body, check the thought process because that is where it all begins, provided it isn’t purely genetic. So work on how we think, to change the way our body responds.

-Another thing we can do, is not trying so hard to get rid of the negative thoughts and feelings. Notice them and accept they are there, while focusing on things that are important to us, things that make life meaningful for us. Let them be in some corner the mind, without getting involved in their story. There’s a lot more to life than getting stuck on the crazy stories our mind cooks up!

-Talk to someone. Culturally many of us have been conditioned to not speak up or express how we feel. But times are changing. Professional help is easily available these days and perfectly confidential and safe. Pent up emotions (are those which we are hooked to) are unhealthy and can blow up in our face when we least expect it. Better to air them out.

The next time we go for a walk or jog, wear a mask on the face, not on the mind. Instead of masking, be aware of thoughts and emotions that are destructive and unhealthy. Perhaps, jogging the mind, to burn off all that unhelpful negative stuff, is more important than 'jogging' the body! And if the mind and body are fit, so is the spirit, isn’t it?

Written by- Gauri Row Kavi

Your mental health matters as much as your physical health. Don't hesitate to take a step towards your mental well-being. If you’re looking at talking to a professional, book your Initial Consultation with us on or write to us at Take a step towards bettering your mental wellbeing because you deserve it!


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